Hybrid Schooling
Hybrid Model
The hybrid model incorporates both at home learning, as well as time spent in a physical location for a mix of home time and class time with peers. It is targeted to achieving a particular objective or goal. This kind of alternative schooling model is becoming Increasingly popular. As state requirements vary, parents and educators are finding creative ways to implement this home type of hybrid community model.
The Innosight Institute, a think tank based in California,classifies the blended model into 4 categories:

Rotational: Students still attend school but rotate throughout the day between online learning, classroom instruction, group projects, and individual work.
Flex: Students work through a program personalized for them (as with SF Flex Academy), but still have daily interaction with a teacher depending on their needs.
Self-blend: Students choose to take one or more courses entirely online, either at home or in a technology lab at school.
Enriched Virtual: Students take all classes online but come to campus periodically throughout the week for “brick and mortar” experiences.
This flexible but familiar structure makes it a natural choice for those just transitioning out of the public school system.