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Made in America Products
“I don’t believe in the Constitution because I’m American. I’m American because I believe in the Constitution”.
- J.S.B. Morse.

Why are buying local and Made in America products so important?
Buying products and services that are made within your local community and within the United States keeps money where it is needed: in the hands of everyday Americans. Lockdowns and mandates have stressed untold numbers of American businesses and forced the closure of thousands of others. Choosing products that are Made in the USA and buying locally at farmer’s markets and small local businesses supports American jobs and boosts the national economy. It can make a real difference in helping our friends and family, local businesses, and communities to thrive.
When we purchase from American manufacturers, we know they must follow American labor laws and manufacturing requirements, and produce products that conform to our high standards of quality. Other benefits include lowering emissions and reducing one’s carbon footprint, among others. According to the Federal Trade Commission, “Made in USA” means that “all or virtually all” of the product has been made in America. That is, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin.
Choosing to support local and Made in America businesses can be a source of real pride and satisfaction while making a big difference. According to the Alliance for American Manufacturing, if every American committed to spending $64 on American made products, it would create 200,000 jobs, and if contractors increased the use of American-made materials by 5%, it would create an additional 200,000 jobs. Furthermore, a Consumer Reports survey found that 80% of Americans would prefer to buy an American-made product, and over 60% say they would even pay 10% more for it.