Email Congressman Biggs, Chairman of House Freedom Caucus
Dear Congressman Biggs,
On behalf of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), thank you for your strong commitment to patient choice and evidence-based healthcare policy. As you are aware, Dr. Fauci and others in the Biden administration have indicated publicly that the federal government will not be the “main mover of a vaccine passport.” However, this raises the question of how and when private industry will respond.
AFLDS represents a diverse coalition of practitioners and concerned citizens who oppose mandatory vaccine passports and related certification. To this end, we have developed a Vaccine Bill of Rights along with our member-physicians. This Bill of Rights has been translated into models legislation which was transmitted to state legislatures across the country, including Arizona. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. For example, Alabama state lawmakers have recently introduced resolutions based directly on the AFLDS documents. Arizona’s 6,500 AFLDS subscribers indicate they would like to see something similar from their state and federal representatives.
Please consider introducing a House Resolution reaffirming the Arizona delegation’s commitment to medical privacy and personal freedom. A draft of the document is available here for use. Like you, AFLDS and its 700,000 nationwide supporters stand ready to defend constitutional rights and vaccine choice free of coercion and intimidation. We strongly encourage you to continue to lead on this issue by sponsoring a Vaccine Bill of Rights in the House today. Thank you in advance for your attention to this urgent matter.
America's Frontline Doctors.