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Political Prisoner John Strand Released From Prison

A Great Day For Justice In America!

Oakdale, LA. – July 24, 2024. The tremendous impact of SCOTUS’ historic Fischer v. USA ruling last month is being felt across the Nation as politically persecuted J6 defendants advance closer toward justice.   

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, AFLDS Creative Director John Strand was released from prison after his Second Motion for Release Pending Appeal was granted by United States District Judge Christopher Cooper. His release comes after the High Court ruled last month that the DOJ misused and inappropriately charged January 6 defendants with “obstruction of an official proceeding.” Strand was originally sentenced to 32 months of incarceration. He endured a horrific and grueling  year-long prison term for four misdemeanor charges that were wielded against him.

In total, John was charged with five counts for being present at the Capitol on January 6, a single felony and four misdemeanors. He was convicted by a Washington D.C. jury in September 2022. Among those charges was 18 USC § 1512(c)(2), which was unquestionably weaponized by the DOJ to illegally overcharge J6 defendants with a 20-year felony for exercising their First Amendment right to protest the actions of their elected officials. AFLDS applauded SCOTUS for correcting the miscarriage of justice that was perpetrated against John and the many hundreds of ordinary Americans across the country. 

This illegal overcharging led most defendants to quickly accept plea deals. In the face of a daunting prison sentence, John Strand boldly refused to bear false witness, including against himself, by confessing to a fraudulent plea. 

John was at the Capitol on January 6 as security detail for his co-defendant, Dr. Simone Gold, who was a scheduled speaker at a rally with a government-approved permit. All of his actions that day were captured on the Capitol closed-circuit video recordingsStrand honorably and reasonably fulfilled his job  by protecting Dr. Gold. He did not commit any unlawful or inappropriate acts. John injured no one, threatened no one, and caused no damage. He was respectful to the Capitol police. Despite this indisputable evidence, in June 2023, John was sentenced to 32 months in prison and 36 months supervised release. 

Although Judge Cooper acknowledged that Strand’s actions were non-violent, he appeared incensed over John’s persistence in exercising his First Amendment constitutional right to free speech. The judge singled John out for speaking publicly regarding the disparate treatment of J6 defendants in contrast to innumerable examples of recent Marxist-driven protests - openly punishing John for his political speech criticizing the government. 

John Strand self-surrendered to begin his sentence at a federal prison last July, officially becoming a political prisoner in the United States of America. While in prison, Strand was thrown into solitary confinement for over four months because he took an interview while incarcerated to explain the inhumane conditions of J6 prisoners. As laid out in the United Nations Nelson Mandela Rules adopted by the General Assembly in 2015, solitary confinement for a time period in excess of 15 consecutive days is considered prolonged and is prohibited. Not only was John in isolation, the prison refused to allow any contact whatsoever, including refusing him access to his attorneys. 

The selective prosecution and imprisonment of John Strand is a true American tragedy and proof that the legalization of facism in our country is happening. However, John’s story proves that justice will prevail when good men and women take a stand for what they know is right. 

John reflects on his imprisonment, “The darkness and cruelty I faced were unimaginable. I drew strength from the Bible - specifically the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - young men who refused to bow to an idol and were thrown into a fiery furnace. They received divine protection and came out of the fire unburned and without even the smell of smoke on their clothing.  My faith in that same God, along with the support and love from so many people, sustained me. This fight is far from over, and I am more determined than ever to stand and defend our God-given freedoms.”

As a result of SCOTUS’ correction, federal prosecutors have begun dropping obstruction charges against J6 defendants. The High Court, along with the voice of countless patriots across the country demanding  justice, have sent a clear message to the DOJ. The selective persecution of the government’s “political enemies” will not be tolerated in the United States of America. AFLDS is hopeful that all remaining political prisoners will  be liberated.

We are grateful that John Strand has finally been released from imprisonment. The unwavering courage and faith that John modeled throughout this trial serves as encouragement for all those who fight for freedom.

AFLDS stands in solidarity with the J6 prisoners and their families. We will continue to fight for our first amendment right to free speech and the right to peaceably assemble. 



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Media Contact Lisa Alexander, Communications Director |

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."