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Congressional Committee That Threatened AFLDS Releases Final Report of Now-Debunked Propaganda

December 9, 2022 

Coronavirus Committee Still Using Disproven Disinformation to Intimidate Doctors Serving Patients and the Public 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Never known for their apologies, the bureaucratic class in Washington instead doubled down on disinformation; a necessary term given the abundance of past and current evidence completely debunking the claims they continue to use as obvious political weapons in trying to intimidate and silence dissident voices in the medical and scientific communities. The “Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis” issued a press release today announcing the release of their final report, which they promise “reveals new findings,” only to sorely disappoint with a hemorrhage of erroneous partisan propaganda, now two years stale. 

This is the same committee that directly targeted America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) more than a year ago on October 29, 2021, with an aggressive letter threatening the non-profit dedicated to serving the public during the stressful advent of the coronavirus chaos, accusing them of “endangering American lives and harming our efforts to stop the spread of the virus” and “erod[ing] public confidence in proven treatments and prevent[ing] measures and hinder[ing] efforts to control the pandemic.” Ominous allegations, to be sure. 

They didn’t stop there. Clearly unencumbered by any obligation to factual data, they charged ahead with outright lies, alleging that AFLDS “endangers public health and fuels vaccine hesitancy by promoting the false ideas that coronavirus vaccines are unsafe and ineffective”—even while vaccine deaths and harms are exploding with newly released data showing up to 10 million adverse events per month reported to VAERS during 2021, and every health baron from Fauci on down has been forced to admit the shots are incapable of preventing disease or transmission, and the overwhelming majority of hospitalizations are of the vaccinated. The committee further claimed that AFLDS also endangers the public by informing them “that alternative drugs can prevent or cure coronavirus infections”— with not only thousands of direct testimonials to indicate this fact, but also over 300 verified studies confirming the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in treating coronavirus infections. 

The “final report” was nothing more than a predictable recycling of these lies in a laundry list of political jabs blaming every negative circumstance on President Trump, and inexplicably claiming some sort of subsequent victory for the Biden administration. The brazen dishonesty of these government officials only solidifies the urgency of Dr. Simone Gold’s recent pronouncement as she was honored with a humanitarian award, stating “We must Drain the Science Swamp”, a reflection of widespread public distrust in government institutions and public health officials and a growing awareness of their rampant corruption and malfeasance. 


About AFLDS  

America's Frontline Doctors is the nation's independent authority on ethical and transparent standards in science, health, and human rights. We provide individuals with unbiased and accurate information from the world's top experts in medicine and law so you can be empowered with facts to protect your rights, take care of your health, and safeguard your future.     

Media Contact Lisa Alexander, Communications Director |  

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."