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America's Frontline Doctors

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America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Confronts Kristina Lawson and the CA Medical Board with Doc Tracy!

Naples, FL—America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) released the first episode of its documentary series, Doc Tracy: Physician Investigator. Titled "Lawson’s Hunt," the episode features Dr. Christopher Rake as Doc Tracy, investigating those who are hunting doctors.
AFLDS doctors are being hunted for standing up to government organizations. Institutions such as the CDC and California Medical Board are attempting to steal the livelihood from doctors who speak truth and follow the Hippocratic oath. Meanwhile, many states, such as Florida, have defended doctors who practice honorably, using common safe medications off-label to treat Covid. And in total contrast to California and the federal government, other states such as New Hampshire are making ivermectin available even without a prescription. 
The episode opens with Dr. Simone Gold, AFLDS founder, physician and attorney, introducing the tragic reality: there is a war on the medical profession. Individual doctors, such as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Marik, and Dr. Gold herself, are being targeted. Doc Tracy sets out to understand what - and who - is behind putting world-renowned doctors in their crosshairs. 
He's led to Kristina Lawson. Lawson is the President of the California Medical Board. Remarkably, she is NOT a doctor. She has no medical background whatsoever. Doc Tracy, of course, finds this troubling. So, he goes out on the street, doing "man on the street" style interviews to see what others think. Hilariously, he inquires about people's expectations. He finds out that people are just as startled and perplexed as he is.
Doc Tracy then asks Lawson herself why she is silencing doctors. She is obviously bothered by this revelation being made public, with this opening episode in AFLDS's series exposing the machinations behind the pandemic and the draconian response by government and private actors. 
Dr. Gold stated, "The series is entertaining, but it's also incredibly informative. We provide an investigative treatment to a tragedy unfolding. We're sending a message to the medical establishment: we're coming for them. They're breaking the law and forcing doctors to violate their Hippocratic Oath or lose their medical license. We will not stand for it."
Dr. Rake says, of Doc Tracy, "I'm proud to be a doctor, but I'm just as proud to be a civil rights activist, and that's what this series represents. It's civil rights activism at its finest. Today, social media is where the marches happen. We need to reach that audience and inform them. We have a culture that likes to see what is going on behind the scenes, firsthand, and that's what we're providing them, a window into a world many do not know."

John Strand, AFLDS Creative Director, and the series' co-producer with Dr. Gold, stated, "Civil rights include the right to free speech, even when that speech goes against the mainstream narrative - of course, it’s especially essential when it goes against the mainstream narrative." 

AFLDS previously released the Doc Tracy: Physician Investigator trailer on January 29, 2022. The series is scheduled to release an undercover exposé or confrontation video on a regular basis.  

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."