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Press Releases


AFLDS Stands Against Medical Mutilation

Grassroots Campaign to Protect Our Nation’s Children

Naples, FL. – September 4, 2024. AFLDS calls upon the American people to take a stand against the radical agenda of the Medical Mutilation Industry to protect the health and innocence of our Nation’s children.

Under the guise of the benign sounding phrase of “gender-affirming care,” medical mutilation is being championed by our once sacred institutions as the new standard of care for children struggling with gender dysphoria. For decades, the primary approach to treating this emotional and mental turmoil was with intensive psychological support. Now, children who are too young to give informed consent are rushed into irreversible and life-altering procedures that do not address the root cause of their distress. The fact that most children will resolve this distress by young adulthood, post-puberty, is ignored. The medical harms of these treatments are well documented and growing, leaving an untold number of victims permanently disfigured with lifelong health complications.

A now multi-billion-dollar global industry generates massive profits through the continuous stream of sickcare patients suffering with chronically ill bodies that were created by a corrupt system that puts profits over health. Doctors who took an oath to “do no harm” are now willing participants in these rampant crimes against humanity. As a result, the lives of countless children and their families are being destroyed all across our country. The rapid expansion of the Medical Mutilation Industry and its agenda represents a tremendous threat to our national identity, security and future. 

In order to address this growing threat and end the medical mutilation of children, AFLDS has launched a grassroots campaign. We are calling on the American people to join us in demanding an immediate moratorium be placed on these interventions for children. We are calling on the American people to join us in exerting unprecedented pressure on our elected representatives to pass legislation prohibiting gender-reassignment treatments on minors along with the use of targeted propaganda. We are calling on the American people to join us in holding rogue doctors accountable for the medical mutilation of the most vulnerable among us. Together we resolve to fiercely protect our children - preserving their innocence and their future.

The first step in discerning truth from deception is to be equipped with the facts. AFLDS has compiled a wealth of information on the topic of medical mutilation on our website:

  • The White Paper is the position statement of AFLDS that includes a brief overview of the medical and legal issues in the treatment of children with gender dysphoria. The medical risks and legal standard to apply are explained.
  • The Gold Report’s five-part medical mutilation video series features Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Melanie Crites-Bachert candidly discussing gender-affirming surgery from a clinical perspective. Each has decades of medical experience with an intimate knowledge of both medicine and the medical industry. This series takes an objective and scientific look at these interventions.
  • The Resource Page is a reminder that no one is alone in the fight to protect the health and safety of our children. Whether you are a parent seeking help for your child or someone harmed by the Medical Mutilation Industry, we have provided a collection of useful tools and guides to assist you.  
  • By signing our Petition, you will join us in urging Congress to make it clear to physicians and hospitals that the medical mutilation of children must end.

As you read this, the bodies of healthy young people are being sacrificed to line the pockets of The Medical Mutilation Industry. However, their agenda can only succeed if the good men and women of our great Nation do nothing. We are calling upon the American people to take a stand against this perversion of science.  

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Media Contact Lisa Alexander, Communications Director |


Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."