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AFLDS Files Amici Curiae Brief in Thomas v. Harder

Holding Rogue Medical Boards Accountable

Washington, DC - February 18, 2025

On February 14, 2025, Dr. Simone Gold and the AFLDS legal team filed an amici curiae brief with the Supreme Court of the United States, in support of the Petitioner in Thomas v. Harder. Dr. Paul Thomas (Petitioner) is suing the members and staff of the Oregon Medical Board (Respondents) for intentionally persecuting him for his research and views on childhood vaccines, forcing him out of his medical practice in three states. By submitting a petition for writ of certiorari to SCOTUS, the Petitioner is asking the High Court to vindicate his right to sue the Oregon Medical Board for damages by reversing the judgment of the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This critical case has the potential to set legal precedent for all doctors seeking justice from the tyranny of rogue medical boards. 

In December 2020, the Oregon Medical Board suspended Dr. Thomas’ license on an emergency basis stating he was a “danger to the public.” The Board’s rationale for this action was that the doctor was failing to protect the health and safety of his patients by not meeting the standard of care relating to vaccinations. To target Thomas, the Respondents concocted an unwritten rule that pediatricians had the duty to vaccinate their patients. Both the district court and the Ninth Circuit ruled that the Respondents were entitled to absolute immunity from the damages their actions caused. 

Dr. Paul Thomas practiced medicine in Oregon for over 30 years, serving thousands of patients with zero complaints. He was also licensed to practice medicine in both Washington State and Hawaii. Dr. Thomas saw tremendous success in the treatment of his patients, truthfully informing them of all relevant and available medical information. Despite being an honest doctor upholding his oath, the Oregon Medical Board targeted him. They fabricated a rule, investigated him for 2 years, and wrote up phony charges. The good doctor’s life was devastated - he lost his license in all three states, his medical practice, and his marriage. 

America’s Frontline Doctors contends that the Respondents should not be allowed to escape accountability for their alleged intentional and malicious behavior behind a shield of unwarranted “absolute immunity.” Even judges are denied absolute judicial immunity in cases where they are alleged to have engaged in such acts. Further, the Oregon Medical Board’s enforcement of its unwritten vaccine ideology upon independent doctors is contrary to well-established Oregon state law and the constitutional right to refuse medical treatment. These violations disqualify the Respondents from automatic blanket immunity. 

Doctors have a professional obligation to fully inform their patients of the possible benefits and adverse consequences of all medical treatments. Dr. Thomas has been consistent with his duty of providing his patients informed consent and adhering to the Hippocratic Oath. We are hopeful that SCOTUS will correct the erroneous judgement of the lower courts which deprived Dr. Thomas access to pursue justice. Certiorari should be granted in order to justly reinstate Dr. Thomas and to curb any future abuses by medical boards nationwide. 

AFLDS attorney David Dalia states, “Medical boards must not be allowed to revoke a good doctor’s hard earned medical license for conducting accurate medical research and data with which they simply disagree. The medical board inflicted their extreme vaccine ideology upon Dr. Thomas, and coercively demanded that he recommend experimental drugs to children against his best professional judgment; drugs which have resulted in over 38,000 deaths in America alone. The medical board turned a blind eye to the pertinent adverse reaction statistics, and to the dozens of studies which confirmed Dr. Thomas’ data. The Board’s persecution campaign against Dr. Thomas was so malicious that a book was written about it. The medical board also ignored the many states and other countries which are now moving to ban these dangerous mRNA drugs completely. Dr. Thomas should be reinstated immediately.”

AFLDS Founder and President Dr. Simone Gold added, “Like Dr. Thomas, I experienced firsthand the usurpation of a weaponized medical board. This is the usurpation that George Washington warned us about. The tyranny inflicted upon Dr. Thomas has no place in our country. Allowing the Oregon Medical Board to escape accountability for their crimes against Dr. Thomas would set a dangerous precedent. If not stopped, future violations are likely to recur. The courts must hold these bad actors accountable.”

America’s Frontline Doctors will continue our fight to hold medical boards accountable for their actions. We proudly stand in solidarity with Dr. Thomas and ethical doctors everywhere who put their patients before profit. 

Stay tuned - We will keep you updated on the status of this case and our efforts to bring truth back to medicine. 

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Media Contact Lisa Alexander, Communications Director |


Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."