Protecting your Medical
Freedom and Civil Liberties

America's Frontline Doctors


02 February, 2022

#ProtectTheChildren: The Story of Emma Burkey


Frontline Films™ from presents: #ProtectTheChildren: The Story of Emma Burkey.

In March of 2021 Emma Burkey got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because she worked with young children and was told she was putting their lives at risk.

She expect the tragic turn her life would change after that decision.

On April 2nd she had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. After four strokes and three brain surgeries she is now confined to a wheelchair with little to no ability to move her arms or walk.

She and many doctors believe this is the direct result of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

We urge all viewers of this tragic yet inspiring video to share it with those they love and help support the Burkey family. #ProtectTheChildren See more at

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."