Protecting your Medical
Freedom and Civil Liberties

America's Frontline Doctors

Statement of position

No AFLDS information should be construed in any way as a blanket anti-vaccination statement on the part of any AFLDS member-physician, the nonprofit, or its affiliates.

AFLDS is a nationwide network of member-physicians providing independent, evidence-based information to help all Americans make informed decisions about their healthcare needs. AFLDS is not affiliated with any organization calling for a ban on COVID-19 vaccines nor do we support such a prohibition. We support additional research and full transparency with regard to vaccines and oppose the mandatory administration of vaccines that have not been fully approved after exhaustive clinical research. Freedom of choice in healthcare and physician independence are critical to protecting individual rights and quality healthcare. AFLDS believes that vaccines should be available to any eligible member of the public who wants them. AFLDS member-physicians have received inoculations and continue to advise patients on receiving vaccinations for a variety of illnesses.

Protect yout right

COVID-19 Vaccines are Voluntary

AFLDS physicians strongly object to any persons being coerced, mandated or forced to take any experimental medication, whether it is labeled a vaccine, drug, therapeutic, modality, agent etc. Our scientific recommendations as to who should consider the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, currently in investigational stages only, are contained within the White Paper. Federal law, per the FDA, prohibits any persons from being coerced to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. Please read attached Pfizer and Moderna Fact Sheets published by the FDA and found here

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers

COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines

Read our detailed report on the risks, failures, and complications involved in pharmaceutical companies' expedited COVID-19 vaccine research.

COVID-19 Questions

Read our detailed report on the risks, failures, and complications involved in pharmaceutical companies' expedited COVID-19 vaccine research.

12 facts you need to know about the vaccine before you decide to take it

For less than $25, the majority of people can take early treatment medication! Per the CDC 99.5% of people recover without any treatment at all! Pharmaceutical companies are shielded from liability!.
12 facts you need to know about the vaccine before you decide to take itundefined

Dr Simone Gold: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr Simone Gold: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine








Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."