Frontline News

What's causing acute pediatric hepatitis?

Hundreds of adverse liver events reported on VAERS

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May 02, 2022


02:06 PM

What's causing acute pediatric hepatitis?

There has been a spate of reports regarding pediatric hepatitis of unknown origin around the world.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO) as of April 21 “Cases have been reported in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the United Kingdom) (114), Spain (13), Israel (12), the United States of America (9), Denmark (6), Ireland (<5), The Netherlands (4), Italy (4), Norway (2), France (2), Romania (1), and Belgium (1). . . . 

“The common viruses that cause acute viral hepatitis (hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D and E) have not been detected in any of these cases.” In many but not all the cases, adenovirus type 41 was detected.  But adenovirus type 41 is not known to cause hepatitis and adenovirus type 41 presents with more mild symptoms.

The WHO article continues, “Hypotheses related to side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines are currently not supported as the vast majority of affected children did not receive COVID-19 vaccination.” 

It should be noted, though, that adverse liver events are a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccines.  In fact, hundreds of adverse liver events have been reported on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccinations.

There are two possibilities that, to the best of our knowledge, are not being explored.

Face Masks

It is possible that face masks are causing liver damage in children.  Consider this:

A recent report published on the Science Direct website posits that, 

  • Face masks can release large numbers of nanoplastics and microsplastics
  • Mask microplastics were detected in the nasal mucus of mask wearers suggesting they can be inhaled while wearing a mask.
Image 1

In another report published on the Science Direct website, the authors conclude “that the 0.1 μm microplastic could enter hepatocytes (cells that make up 80% of the liver’s mass) from circulation and result [in] liver damage even at a low concentration.”

Studies have shown that children are more susceptible to air pollutants than adults.  “. . . children take in more air per unit body weight at a given level of exertion than do adults. When a child is exercising at maximum levels, such as during a soccer game or other sports event, they may take in 20 percent to 50 percent more air -- and more air pollution -- than would an adult in comparable activity.”

Spike Protein Shedding

Another possibility is unvaccinated children who are living in proximity with vaccinated adults getting vaccine side effects through a process of spike protein shedding. 

Spike protein shedding affecting the unvaccinated gained traction following thousands of reports of vaccine-free women experiencing irregular menstrual cycles after being in proximity with the vaccinated.

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, board certified pediatrician practicing in New York said, “. . . what we've been seeing is a massive increase in those who've been given the injection of blood clotting problems, miscarriages, stillborns, infertility, stroke, heart attack, autoimmune diseases, and death, just to name a few, and that's in those who been injected.  So certainly there should be a suspicion when you see people around the injected people who have not been injected getting the typical symptoms of COVID in addition to miscarriages, bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles; it should raise a very, very strong suspicion.”  Dr. Palavsky continued, “. . . what we're seeing is women who are around others who've been injected are having the same experience [miscarriages and stillbirths], which has to raise the suspicion that not only does that messenger RNA make the body produce spike protein on an ongoing basis, but that spike protein is probably shedding out of the breath of saliva, the skin . . .”

In a position statement, America’s Frontline Doctors wrote, “Worldwide cases of pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding, and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated.”

So, it is possible that we are seeing vaccine-caused adverse events in unvaccinated children living with vaccinated parents.

All possible causes of the unprecedented outbreak of acute hepatitis in otherwise healthy children need to be further explored instead of just those that are “politically correct”.